Remember that raster symbols require the image files to be installed on the user's computer, which means
you can only use symbols the atlas users will also have. We accept a standardized set of symbols approved for atlas use that is easy to
acquire for any atlas user (although they may cost money, which is the case for all official add-ons).
You can use raster symbols from CC3+ itself, as well as any official CC3+ addon. In addition, you can use symbols
coming from any of the four community art packs linked from
(Vintyri Cartographic Collection, CSUAC 2.0, Bogie's Mapping Objects and Dundjinni Archives).
Note that any symbol used need to be the original symbol from the add-on or art pack, you cannot use modified symbols. Also, all symbols must come from
a standard installation of the add-on/art pack in question, you cannot go to the Dundjinni forums and grab a few extra symbols for the Dundjinni
Archives or use beta versions of these packs. Remember, for other people to be able to view your maps, they must have the same symbols
installed in the same location on their computer, which won't work if you use resources not installed by these packs.
For vector symbols, these are embedded in the map, so it doesn't matter where these came from, the end user will always be able to see
these. If you are unsure about the difference between vector and raster symbols, you can assume that your symbols are raster symbols, as these
are the most common type in modern CC3+ maps.
Do keep in mind when mapping that not everyone will have every add-on installed on their computer. The more different add-ons you pull symbols from,
the less likely that people will be able to use your map. Maps using only symbols from the base CC3+ program are the most versatile ones.